3 - 8 FEB 2026 Changi Exhibition Centre, Singapore
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Book a Booth

Singapore Airshow 2024 offers an ideal and unique opportunity to showcase your company's products and services to an international audience. Whether you are a small, medium or large company, there are various participation options to choose from to ensure a presence that fits your brand.


Raw Space
My Preferred Size
m (min 36 Sqm)
Standard Shell Scheme
My Preferred Size
m (min 12 Sqm)
Total Sqm: 0 Sqm
Registration Fee: $1100
Total Participation Fee: $1100

Contact Person

Advanced Air Mobility
Aerospace Manufacturers
Air Cargo
Airport Operators
Aviation Services
Consultancy, Research & Development
Corporate/Private Aircraft Operators
Fix-based Operators
Government & Regulatory Agencies
Leasing Companies/Financial Institutions
MRO Companies
Original Equipment Manufacturers
Parts Distributors
Simulation & Training
Systems Integrators
Trade Associations/Media
Tri services/Military
Unmanned Systems & Robotics
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